Wednesday, October 12, 2011

San Antonio Weekend

Last weekend we took a road trip to San Antonio to attend our nephew Michael's wedding.

Tom trying to drive with three women in the car.

Sister Debra

Sister Cathy
I had forgotten what a beautiful trip it is...
We didn't get into SA in time to look for a place to eat so we ate at the KFC and Taco Bell combo.

The next morning we toured Lackland AFB, where we spent six years of our lives in the military. This is the dorm Tom worked at as a TI.

Tom enjoyed watching the airmen being marched by their TI's. Brought back some good memories of his Lackland AFB days.
This is a picture of Lackland High School, where Daniel graduated. Wish I could have gotten a better picture but they have really enlarged the campus. It is twice the size it use to be.

This is a picture of a skeleton bride, standing in the lounge of the Casa Real where we had lunch. We were all looking forward to some real SA Mexican food. The skeleton in the front should have told us something.

Best thing in the cafe was getting this picture of my sister with the last person to eat there, he had turned to wood. Ha! Ha! So it was back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding. More later....

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