Saturday, October 15, 2011

Koffee Kup

 Daniel and Ashley recommended us to stop at the Koffee Kup for a slice of pie and coffee on our way home from San Antonio. It is located in Hico,Texas.  
Apple Pie, the all American favorite. You can't tell by the picture, but this is huge,about a fourth of a 8 inch pie.
This pie lives up to its name, Doctor's Office, On a Graham Cracker Crust filled with a Rich Cream Cheese and Vanilla Custard filling. Topped  with coconut and pecans. It was my choice!!!
Cathy with her Key Lime Pie. Was advertised as "You'll Think you're in Key West Florida."

Debra enjoying her Apple Pie, and not caring it was not Gluten Free.
"No, we can't move to Hico..."

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