Thursday, July 28, 2011

Coming Home

Cincinnati Skyline
So we were off to the Cincinnati Airport which is located in Kentucky. Go figure!
We got on our plane and was taxing out to take off right on time, when Tom said, "Do we have a flat tire?" Now, I was thinking, "Nooooo!" But, just then the pilot came on the speaker. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be returning to the gate. I think we have a flat tire."  Once at the gate, he came on again and said, everyone was to get off the plane. It was a Broken Landing Gear! An hour and half later we were taking off in another plane. But, no one was complaining.
God is good, if the broke gear hadn't been found; we would have had a very scary landing in Dallas.
We are home safe and sound and enjoying the Texas life.

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