Thursday, July 28, 2011

Coming Home

Cincinnati Skyline
So we were off to the Cincinnati Airport which is located in Kentucky. Go figure!
We got on our plane and was taxing out to take off right on time, when Tom said, "Do we have a flat tire?" Now, I was thinking, "Nooooo!" But, just then the pilot came on the speaker. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be returning to the gate. I think we have a flat tire."  Once at the gate, he came on again and said, everyone was to get off the plane. It was a Broken Landing Gear! An hour and half later we were taking off in another plane. But, no one was complaining.
God is good, if the broke gear hadn't been found; we would have had a very scary landing in Dallas.
We are home safe and sound and enjoying the Texas life.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ohio Family Reunion, Part II

Here are some pictures of the area where we had the reunion. Such a beautiful and peaceful place
to gather and enjoy the day.
This is the driveway leading to the club house.
Following is some pictures of the grounds:

This waterfall, you could walk behind.
And of course, we did and across from the waterfall you can see the covered area where some of us sat and visited the afternoon away. This is what memories are made of.

Behind this area, we found a surprise.
We found this little waterfall tucked behind some flowering vines.
Every little area held, something of interest.

The little ones were not forgotten. There was a playground, pool and

Thank you Cousin Donna and your friends for sharing their home.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ohio Family Reunion

Tom in front of one of the many waterfalls.
We had the reunion, at a friend's home one of Tom's cousins. It was a beautiful area and perfect for a reunion.
Tom with his brother Mike, and sisters Shirley and Janice.
Mike and Sharon
Tom and Janice
Here are some pictures from inside the club house. Here everyone is trying to get together for a group picture.
Cousin Paula and grandbaby.
Cousin Connie and family.
Cousin Sandy and family.
Tom, Sharon, Mike, Shirley and Janice.
Younger cousins playing volleyball.

Couple of cousins, washing up after a cake fight. Everyone was having a good time.

Tom and I
Great Time!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Golf was his favorite pass-time.
He also was a big basketball fan especially University of Kentucky and playing poker with his buddies.
He had a smile that made you feel right at home.
He loved big holiday meals,and always had a roll with his coffee as his first dessert.
And it goes without saying, he was a great Dad and Grandfather.
Brother we will miss you.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

An Afternoon With Chloe

What would be a day without Barney and Elmo?
Of course, for Grannie and Pappy it was a challenge. As you can see from the next picture.

Pappy saves the day as Chloe gives directions.
And Grannie and Chloe get to settle-in for some fun with Barney and Elmo. Singing along. Pappy tried to get video of her dancing on his new phone. But, that didn't work out. So ....
Barney and Elmo didn't hold his interest long.
But, thanks Pappy for getting us set-up. Chloe and I had a fun time.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Last Shuttle Mission: July 8,2011

Wow! Isn't that an amazing sight.
We will not see it again and such a shame.
The space program brought us integrated circuitry, microchip technology, cordless power tools, smoke detectors, laser surgery, mammography, GPS systems, pacemakers, and Tang (Ladies that is our Crystal Light now). The space program indirectly saved a lot of lives and changed our world for the better. I for one, want to say a big Thank You.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend

Happy 4th of July

We attended a picnic with Daniel, Ashley, Caleb and Chloe. They have a church picnic every Sunday before the 4th of July. This was their 14th year, and it is always fun. Thank You, Country Chapel for always making us welcome.
Here's Caleb looking all red,white and blue.

Chloe ready to eat. Watermelon was her favorite food of the day.

Daniel and Caleb

Daniel and Chloe

Ashley and Chloe

Of course there had to be the picture of Grannie, Pappy, Caleb and Chloe. As you can tell Chloe is done with the pictures. She is probably thinking, "People, I am tired and it is 102 degrees out here, and I am full of watermelon. Enough of the picture thing." :)
Even with the heat, it was a good time and good memories.
Hope you all had a good 4th of July.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction Poster

When frustrated I usually, say "I feel like I am beating my head against a wall." So my dear hubby, always thinking about me, brought me this to help.
1. Place on FIRM surface.
2. Follow directions in circle.
3. Repeat step 2 as necessary, or until unconscious.
4. If unconscious, cease stress reduction activity.

* Thanks honey, for thinking of me but think I will just eat some chocolate instead. :)