Saturday, June 18, 2011

Other Side of the Bed Rail

Most people know that I am a nurse, well I found myself on the other side of the bed rail recently.

This is what happens when a little back pain, turns into chest pain. Plus you get to wear this very fashionable hospital gown. Yea!!!

Hubby looking way more concerned than I would have liked and tired.

This is where he slept. Said, it was lumpy and of course the nurses were in and out all night checking on me. My main night nurse, Walter, I had trained. Time for the ex-student to get even:) Only kidding he was great. Wish I had got a picture of him. At the time was not thinking about blogging. Can you imagine...that.

This was breakfast the next morning, notice no bacon and those are egg beaters. It is good that I have a sense of humor.
All 4 EKG's and 4 Cardiac Labs were normal, they only kept me for overnight observation because the nitro tabs they gave me in the ER made the pain go away.
Will be seeing cardiologist in the near future for a stress test. Now that sounds like more fun.

One last picture, free things they said come with the room,don't think they are free, love the socks though!!!
And you all know how hard it is for people to spell Fitzwater, my Id. band read:


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