Sunday, June 12, 2011

Friday with Hubby

First it was out to Lunch at our favorite lunch hangout.

Today we thought we would try something different. Usually we share the Nachos. Tom got quesadias, and said they were better than On the Borders.

I got the Martha's Salad and it was great!
and why does Mexican food look so messy and is so good:)
After lunch, we always end up at our other favorite friday establishment.

Tom in his favorite section.

There I am, I could spend hours in the magazine and book sections. And usually I do, poor Tom.
Three videos and two Payday's later, we were off to home. Nothing exciting, just pure joy of living in the moment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love this blog!!! 2 of my favorite things to do too! Eat Mexican food and watch movies!! Love the pics at Hastings!!!! Soooo cute!! Love ya!!!
