Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Visitor

Now, I am not the kinda of lady to check out strange sounds in the night. Usually, elbow the hubby saying, "Honey, I hear something." But, last night I was awaken by the slightest sound of a bell ringing. Not a scary sound at all, so I crept out to the living room, cell phone in hand ready to dial 911.  And what did I see...
Santa ...
Startled he dropped the package in his hand and tried to ...
 hide behind the Christmas Tree.
He ran to the fireplace, trying to get away. I was snapping pictures all the way.
He shushed me!
He was gone in a flash, and I heard him exclaim,
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night."
"And , Lord protect me from those Scrap booking Grannies tonight."

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sister Sunday

Now usually on Sister Sunday, you will find my sisters and I scrap booking. This one we decided to go to the movies and see Twilight: Breaking Dawn. Really good movie, so I won't ruin it for you. If you don't know anything about the Twilight series, let me tell you it is a romance between Bella (human), Edward (vampire) and Jacob (wolf). Now the good part is you choose teams.

This Debra and Jane, they are on Team Edward. That is Edward on the poster, did I mention he is a vampire?
Cathy and I, belong on Team Jacob. That is Jacob on the poster. Did I mention he is the warm blooded one?
We had a great time and a lot of laughs. Can't believe we have to wait months now to find out the end to the series.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Decorations

Tom made this white fence seventeen years ago and it is still in great shape.
Our Christmas Tree

My favorite scene of the Christmas Village under the tree.
Decorating the tree and setting up all the decorations is a great beginning to the Christmas Season.  Let the celebrating begin!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Chloe (Nov.28th)

Theme this year was Hello Kitty.
Miss Chloe sitting in the birthday chair.
Daniel and Ashley had all the family over for a cookout and of course birthday cupcakes.
Ashley and Chloe's great-grandfather feeding her a birthday cupcake.
Caleb reading birthday card to his little sister.
Miss November with her first set of wheels. She has grown so much this last year. 
She is our little sweetie!!!
Happy Birthday, Chloe

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We started our celebrating last Sunday with the Country Chapel Thanksgiving Service with Daniel, Ashley and the grand babies.
This has become a Thanksgiving tradition for us  that we cherish.
Then today we had Thanksgiving at my niece and husband's home. Mandy and Chris.
Sisters just sitting and visiting, waiting for everyone to arrive.
Shawn singing a song with his mom, Mandy while he watches his reflection .
My sister Jane, deep in conversation. From the look on her face it must have been intense.
 Michael (Jane's son) and his wife Sarah got to join us this year from El Paso. 
This is Joe, Debra's son he got to come in from Dallas. 
It was good seeing these young men, we don't get to see them often. But good to see they are healthy and happy. 
Lots of good food...
Lots of good conversation...
Lots of football...
Lots to be thankful for...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween

Our little Lady Bug and Giant M&M.
Too cute to be Spooky!!!
Happy Halloween
The Fitzwater's

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Winners Halloween Costume Contest

Guess who??? 
Health South Physical Therapy Outpatient Clinic.
They are such a fun group and competitive.
Lovely ladies,
And the handsome men of therapy.

Now, this is where I want to go to therapy. lol
And the winners are for Halloween 2011
The Whistling Bellies
Outpatient Physical Therapy

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oscar the Grouch

Yes, that is a pie pan (trashcan lid) on his head, dress up day for Halloween at his work.
He found himself another woman. I told him, I knew I had gained a few pounds over the years, but. that woman was bony. He said, "it was the bonnet that caught his interest." lol

Now that is a group of grouches having a lot of fun!  

Friday, October 28, 2011

TAVNE Continues

This has been my world for the last few days, speakers and vendors. Everything you would want to know about the teaching of the LVN program. Picked up a few new things to try in the classroom. So, good to hear that everyone here is having the same concerns.
The Omni Hotel has been very good to us. Lots, and I mean lots of good food and snacks.We even had a wine and cheese party.  Hotel staff are some of the best I have ever met.
Mary Jane, Della and Rilda from our campus in Vernon and Seymour. Love being with these ladies, I don't get to see them often.

Here we are at the County Line restaurant, watching the sun set over Austin area. Best Bar-B-Q I have had in a long time. Ever in Austin, Texas stop at this restaurant. You won't leave hungry!
Having a good time in Austin, Texas.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TAVNE Convention

Welcome to Austin,Tx. The trip down was very uneventful and fast. We left earlier and got down here before dark. A lot better.
Kathy, Pam, Mike and Cassie
We were tired, but had time for a little lemonade in the lobby before going to our rooms. I am sharing with Kathy, we have a balcony with a great view of the freeway. lol

A view of the lobby, will blog later with pictures of the convention room. Gotta go

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pony Ride or Not

This last Sunday Tom and I attended the Country Chapel Fall Roundup. We had a great time. Nothing better than being with your kids and grandchildren.
Caleb was having a great time riding the ponies.
Mama tried but,
 Miss Chloe, was not impressed. Petting yes. Riding no. Maybe next time... or not. Grannie is not a cowgirl either. ;)

Vernon College Sports Day

Last week, I travelled to Vernon, Texas to attend the college's sports day on the main campus. This has become the month of road trips.

The Smurf's, name they chose for volleyball because of the blue scrubs they wear during clinical at the hospital. They played very hard, but lost. :(

They all seemed to be having a good time. A relaxing day for them. No Classes. Of course they are happy.

More of our students, we have 36 seniors that graduate in December. And 55 in the class following them. Doing my share in putting a dent in the nurse shortage. About half of the class moves to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. 

Welcome to My World
of future Nurses!!!