Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We started our celebrating last Sunday with the Country Chapel Thanksgiving Service with Daniel, Ashley and the grand babies.
This has become a Thanksgiving tradition for us  that we cherish.
Then today we had Thanksgiving at my niece and husband's home. Mandy and Chris.
Sisters just sitting and visiting, waiting for everyone to arrive.
Shawn singing a song with his mom, Mandy while he watches his reflection .
My sister Jane, deep in conversation. From the look on her face it must have been intense.
 Michael (Jane's son) and his wife Sarah got to join us this year from El Paso. 
This is Joe, Debra's son he got to come in from Dallas. 
It was good seeing these young men, we don't get to see them often. But good to see they are healthy and happy. 
Lots of good food...
Lots of good conversation...
Lots of football...
Lots to be thankful for...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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