Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Visitor

Now, I am not the kinda of lady to check out strange sounds in the night. Usually, elbow the hubby saying, "Honey, I hear something." But, last night I was awaken by the slightest sound of a bell ringing. Not a scary sound at all, so I crept out to the living room, cell phone in hand ready to dial 911.  And what did I see...
Santa ...
Startled he dropped the package in his hand and tried to ...
 hide behind the Christmas Tree.
He ran to the fireplace, trying to get away. I was snapping pictures all the way.
He shushed me!
He was gone in a flash, and I heard him exclaim,
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night."
"And , Lord protect me from those Scrap booking Grannies tonight."

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