Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Visitor

Now, I am not the kinda of lady to check out strange sounds in the night. Usually, elbow the hubby saying, "Honey, I hear something." But, last night I was awaken by the slightest sound of a bell ringing. Not a scary sound at all, so I crept out to the living room, cell phone in hand ready to dial 911.  And what did I see...
Santa ...
Startled he dropped the package in his hand and tried to ...
 hide behind the Christmas Tree.
He ran to the fireplace, trying to get away. I was snapping pictures all the way.
He shushed me!
He was gone in a flash, and I heard him exclaim,
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night."
"And , Lord protect me from those Scrap booking Grannies tonight."

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sister Sunday

Now usually on Sister Sunday, you will find my sisters and I scrap booking. This one we decided to go to the movies and see Twilight: Breaking Dawn. Really good movie, so I won't ruin it for you. If you don't know anything about the Twilight series, let me tell you it is a romance between Bella (human), Edward (vampire) and Jacob (wolf). Now the good part is you choose teams.

This Debra and Jane, they are on Team Edward. That is Edward on the poster, did I mention he is a vampire?
Cathy and I, belong on Team Jacob. That is Jacob on the poster. Did I mention he is the warm blooded one?
We had a great time and a lot of laughs. Can't believe we have to wait months now to find out the end to the series.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Decorations

Tom made this white fence seventeen years ago and it is still in great shape.
Our Christmas Tree

My favorite scene of the Christmas Village under the tree.
Decorating the tree and setting up all the decorations is a great beginning to the Christmas Season.  Let the celebrating begin!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Chloe (Nov.28th)

Theme this year was Hello Kitty.
Miss Chloe sitting in the birthday chair.
Daniel and Ashley had all the family over for a cookout and of course birthday cupcakes.
Ashley and Chloe's great-grandfather feeding her a birthday cupcake.
Caleb reading birthday card to his little sister.
Miss November with her first set of wheels. She has grown so much this last year. 
She is our little sweetie!!!
Happy Birthday, Chloe