Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Caleb

Our sweet Caleb is 8 years old today. I just don't know where the years are going. He is so much fun to be around.

This is a picture that his Aunt Tasha and Uncle Steven gave him. So fits our little superhero. To see more pictures of his party check out Ashley's blog, she has some really cute pictures.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hotter 'N' Hell Hundred

This year's race lived up to it's name. So far we have had over 90 days of 100 degrees plus. Still we had 14,000 riding in the race.

Ashley covering the big race.

The race is a big deal here in Wichita Falls and brings in a lot of people from all over the States and other countries.
Tom and I were volunteers for the race, sort of... we got up and out the door by 5am, we babysit the grandkids so Danny and Ashley could work the race.

Caleb watching part of the race, before changing the channel to watch cartoons. Seeing his mom on TV can't compete with cartoons.

Chloe loving her oatmeal and apples. It was a busy, but fun day for us all.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scrap booking Retreat

I spent the last weekend at a scrap booking retreat with my sisters in the country.
You know how I love sunsets and this was really beautiful one.

Here we are the Scrap booking Queens!!!
We were having such a great time. This was my first retreat. My sisters have been to several.

This is the room where we worked on our scrap booking skills. I learned a lot from the ladies.

My sister Debra working hard on her pages. I think she did more than 20 pages that weekend. I finished 16 pages of pictures of the grand babies.
They also fed us very well. Yum...
The weekend was over quickly, I plan on doing this again someday. The last thing before we left they had a drawing and my sisters won both of the big prizes. Sisters Rule.

Debra with her new toy.

Jane with hers.
Can't end this blog without a big "Thank you" to my husband who kept the home front going, and even got my car washed.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pinning Ceremony

Today we had the pinning ceremony for the Fall 20ll class of Vocational Nurses. They and us had spent a long year preparing for this moment.

This is the Vernon College graduating class, don't they look happy and we the instructors were happy for them. After a year, even though we have grown close to our students, we are ready for them to leave the nest and they are ready to get started with their next adventure.

My LVN pin, most of the year it sits in my jewelry box along side of my RN pin. I remember my pinning as being such a happy moment.
I have come full circle. I got my LVN and my RN from Vernon College and now I am one of their Instructors.

Could not end this blog without a great big "Thank You" to this woman. Hazel is the secretary for our LVN Program and her organization skills for keeping the students Board of Nursing paperwork done is the best. She also coordinates the Pinning Reception. Cookies and Punch. Yum!!! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hot !!!

Today we are going for the record. 43 straight days of 100 plus degree days. Now, when you have that many days of high temps you get problems.
Cracks in the foundation. This is a picture of the corner of our patio. Now we have not used the patio at all this year because of the heat, but this makes me sick.
This is the side of the house, where this young man is installing hugh cement lifts under the foundation to make it level again.
I felt sorry for the workers, it was early morning and getting hot quickly. Thanks, guys you did a good job. No cracks and the floors are level. Plus, you cleaned up my patio, that I may get to use again sometime in December.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hat Trick

Chloe laughing because she just ripped her bow out of Grannie's hair.

Not easy getting a picture of Pappy's hat on her. Or could it have been because it was a Reds Hat, instead of the Texas Rangers.
Finally, a good picture. If you notice her daddy is holding her hand or she would be taking it off.