Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Trip

Tom and I went down to Grand Prairie last weekend to see Celtic Woman in concert. Cameras were not allowed, so I had to take pictures of the CD.

They were great, and we had such a great time at the concert. We also went to Trader's Village.

Over 3000 vendors, no we didn't see them all. But saw a lot. Everything was on sale there, from car bumpers to house appliances.
We bought the biggest tomatoes I have seen in years. Great weekend, although we kept one eye on the weather channel, since it was really a bad weekend for the Plains. Happy to say everyone in the family stayed safe.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter 2012

Happy Easter, ours was busy and a lot of fun. We started out at 8am with Mass.
This is the sanctuary at Sacred Heart. After mass we went to breakfast and then to Country Chapel for Easter Services with Daniel, Ashley and the grand kids.
Daniel was in a Easter skit, and played Jesus.
After the service, they had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids.
Caleb found a gold egg, a prize egg. You can see how happy he was.
Sweet Chloe
Caleb and Chloe with the Easter Bunny.
After the Easter Egg Hunt, we had a very nice lunch over at Ashley's grandparents. And then home for a nice nap.:) It was a great Easter shared with family . Hope, you all had a great Easter.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Chloe On Wheels

Look at that face, she is so determined to getting moving.

Caleb's Second Grade Play

Caleb, our cute Army Ant.
Marching to the picnic, the whole second grade was dressed as insects. They were so sweet, even if they were insects.
Army Ant and Little Flower,
And family.
Fun times in Wichita Falls.