Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Feb. 4, 1978
Here we are starting out on the great adventure of marriage. If I had to choose one word to describe our life together, it would be "Fun". Tom has kept me laughing through the good times and the tears.
Thanks, babe.

He sends me a dozen yellow roses every year, even through the lean years. Now, I know yellow roses means "It's over" but this Texas gal loves yellow roses.
And a nice steak!!!

It was delicious....
Thanks, Honey for 34 great years!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Kiwanis Pancake Festival

Tom and I attended the Kiwanis Pancake Festival this year.
11,689 visitors. Amazing we were in line only 20 minutes from door to pancakes.
56,520 pancakes and 36,000 sausage patties. All you could eat.
Some of the best pancakes, I have had.
Tom enjoying his pancakes.We had a great time, good food and the CD playing Willie Nelson's "Milk Cow Blues". Yes, we are in Texas! We love Willie.   
Thanks Daniel for the tickets and encouraging us to go.  

Gone With the Wind

In January we had a big wind storm, reminded me of my youth when we had dust storms. Daniel and Ashley had a big tree in their front yard, that they had been thinking of getting cut down since it was dead.
Now it is gone with the wind. The windows in front of the house are Chloe and Caleb's bedrooms. Chloe was asleep in her room when the tree fell.
Let the cutting begin.

Thankful, that the tree came down perfectly. I believe in angels. Did not hit the house, cars or any power lines. And several people got some free firewood, including us.