Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Tree

The season has begun, time to trim the Christmas Tree.
and it begins.

Putting on all the special memories ornaments.

Angel on top...

The fence around the Christmas Tree will be 20 years old next year.
All done, now let the celebrating begin.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hobby Hill House
Where my sisters and I have been scrap booking since friday. We are having a great time.
Inside what they call the Barn, it is not really a barn, but a cabin outside the main house. Just us girls and a lot of paper and pictures.

Sister Jane
Sister Debra

Just so you would know pictures did make it to the paper. We also watched a lot more chick flicks than I ever have in my whole life. Also, we have had a lot of great food.

Have had tons of fun, thanks Hobby Hill House.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
We had a great evening giving out candy to the little spooks in our neighborhood and to our special little ones. Caleb and Chloe.

Caleb the Bomb from Angry Birds and Chloe the little Pirate Princess.

We even had a Star, aka Daughter-in-law Ashley.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Healthsouth Halloween

Every Halloween Healthsouth employees have a great time entertaining their clients. Here are some of the great people who work for the rehab hospital.

The Outpatient Physical Therapy are Red Solo Cups. And they dance to Toby Keith's song. I can see that ending up on the internet. Lol

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Good To Be Back

The best part of being a Grannie is playing with the grandkids.
Just being able to play at my age is a plus. It is great to be back blogging, thanks Ashley for getting me going again.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Trip

Tom and I went down to Grand Prairie last weekend to see Celtic Woman in concert. Cameras were not allowed, so I had to take pictures of the CD.

They were great, and we had such a great time at the concert. We also went to Trader's Village.

Over 3000 vendors, no we didn't see them all. But saw a lot. Everything was on sale there, from car bumpers to house appliances.
We bought the biggest tomatoes I have seen in years. Great weekend, although we kept one eye on the weather channel, since it was really a bad weekend for the Plains. Happy to say everyone in the family stayed safe.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Easter 2012

Happy Easter, ours was busy and a lot of fun. We started out at 8am with Mass.
This is the sanctuary at Sacred Heart. After mass we went to breakfast and then to Country Chapel for Easter Services with Daniel, Ashley and the grand kids.
Daniel was in a Easter skit, and played Jesus.
After the service, they had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids.
Caleb found a gold egg, a prize egg. You can see how happy he was.
Sweet Chloe
Caleb and Chloe with the Easter Bunny.
After the Easter Egg Hunt, we had a very nice lunch over at Ashley's grandparents. And then home for a nice nap.:) It was a great Easter shared with family . Hope, you all had a great Easter.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Chloe On Wheels

Look at that face, she is so determined to getting moving.

Caleb's Second Grade Play

Caleb, our cute Army Ant.
Marching to the picnic, the whole second grade was dressed as insects. They were so sweet, even if they were insects.
Army Ant and Little Flower,
And family.
Fun times in Wichita Falls. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Texas Snow Day

February brought us just enough snow to cancel classes for the day. This is a picture from my sun room that morning.

Same backyard that afternoon.
Texas Snow, you just have to love it!!!

Family: Birthday Dinner

This is the family at Don Jose's Mexican Restaurant celebrating the Birthdays of my sister Jane and her husband Wade.
Sister Jane
Sister Debra
Tom and Chris
We had a lot of fun and good food. Can't wait until the next Birthday Dinners.

Happy Valentine's Day

This is the Valentine's card the Grandkids gave us, also received Cake Pops. So good!!! No pictures of the cake pops, we ate them so fast.
Chloe and Caleb
The sweetest in the world.
Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Feb. 4, 1978
Here we are starting out on the great adventure of marriage. If I had to choose one word to describe our life together, it would be "Fun". Tom has kept me laughing through the good times and the tears.
Thanks, babe.

He sends me a dozen yellow roses every year, even through the lean years. Now, I know yellow roses means "It's over" but this Texas gal loves yellow roses.
And a nice steak!!!

It was delicious....
Thanks, Honey for 34 great years!!!