Sunday, September 18, 2011

Soccer Time

Well, it's that time again. Soccer Saturdays!!!
Look at the concentration on that cute face.

Going for the ball...

He played goalie in the second half.
Good stop!!!

Go Warriors !!!
Sister Chloe cheering for her big brother.

This is what memories are made of: children, grandchildren and Soccer Saturdays.

Ashley's Birthday


This is a scrapbook, that Aunt Debbie, Aunt Jane and I made for her.
It was filled with cute pictures of her, Daniel, Caleb and Chloe.

Her cake doesn't show up well in this picture, but it was really pretty. Chocolate frosting and pink dots and was great tasting. Make sure to check out her blog for all the other pictures and fun times.
Love ya, Ashley hope you had a great time at the party we did.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years Ago Today

I was working as a psychiatric nurse. Watching it from my unit at the North Texas State Hospital and thinking nothing would be the same again.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Chili Cook-Off

Tom and I went to our very first Chili Cook-Off last night. Never knew there were so many different styles of chili right here in my own back yard. It was the kick-off for the United Way Campaign and they had a big turn out.
Healthsouth Rehabilitation, where Tom works had a booth. The following pictures are all employees of Healthsouth.

This is Brenda, she made a strawberry cobbler that was great and I don't even like strawberries. With her is Ricky who made the chili entry.

This is Sherri, she made a yummy cornbread. Served from a chuckwagon.

Of course everyone thinks their chili is the best, the concept is to eat some of all the different chili and then put a dollar in their can if you like it. The one with the most money gets the Peoples Award.

Christi, Ashley, and Sara, enjoying the beverages.

This is my cousin Robert and Alma. Alma works with Tom in the outpatient clinic.
We had a good time, and ate a lot of chili, cornbread, and cobblers of all kinds.
"Lots of Fun...Lots of Chili...Lots of Hearburn..."
Can't wait til next year.